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Homestock Whiskey Crop No. 004

This whiskey was created by the refined tastes of thousands of palates through a virtual blending event. Together with the Flaviar community, we invited friends from across the U.S. to select their perfect combination of rye, wheat and barley. We created



Bespoke Barrel Rye 12-Years-Old (Bottled for Cane & Grain)

The unique Whistlepig Bespoke Barrel Rye 12-Years-Old is here! This barrel pick rye whiskey is aged an astounding 12 years, making it some of the oldest whiskey currently available!



Farmstock Rye Crop 003

FarmStock Rye Crop No. 003 is the third release of Whistlepig's limited edition annual Triple Terroir Whiskey™ – created from rye grain, distilled and proofed with water, and aged in custom Vermont White Oak.


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