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Black Art Edition 10.1 – 29-Years-Old – Limited Edition 2022 Release

The enigmatic arts of the distiller are shrouded by meagre facts. There are dark secrets within and marking the passage of time alone bestows insufficient heft. Through these burdened hands great oak and steadfast principles pass. High art, complex and my



Octomore 2013 – Dramfool's Jim McEwan Signature Collection 8.3

8.3 Octomore 2013 1st fill Bourbon Barrel, 107ppm, 10 years old, 62.4%
Distilled on 28th March 2013 this whisky spent its whole 10-year life maturing in cask #1871, maturation taking place in a 1st fill Bourbon barrel from an unknown American distillery.



Octomore Edition 13.3

Octomore 13.3 demonstrates the phenomenal force of flavour when combining super-heavy peat with the variable harvests gathered from the island of Islay, raised by friend and farmer James Brown on one singular farm.



Port Charlotte SC: 01 2012 Heavily Peated

The complexity of this Port Charlotte SC:01 2012 pushes the outer limits of Islay single malt as you know it. Commanding our distillery's two utmost obsessions, it is impeccable provenance meets high quality French oak.


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