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Ximénez-Spinola Tres Mil Botellas Brandy

Once distilled from Pedro Ximénez, the Brandy is aged in chestnut wood barrels. The chestnut wood has the ability to not give the product excessive acidity, and also gives fruity notes. The Brandy then matures for another 13 years in Amarican oak barrels.



Ximénez-Spinola Diez Mil Botellas Brandy

Distilling Pedro Ximénez is not easy. Extracting the nuances of its aromas and making them remain in a Castaño barrel, it seems atypical. However, the most difficult thing is to make the silkiness of the toasts and the memory of the raisins integrate with



Liqueur De Brandy

Once distilled from Pedro Ximénez, the Brandy is aged in chestnut wood barrels. The chestnut wood has the ability to not give the product excessive acidity, and also gives fruity notes. The Brandy then matures for another 13 years in American oak barrels.



Cigars Club No. 2

The Cigars Club No. 2 by Ximénez-Spinola is amber in the glass with ruby reflections, while developing a mild aromatic intensity that enchants with the aromas of raisins and prunes.


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